Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex or called P-DTR.
I hear lots of times from patients what exactly is P-DTR?
Here is a simple answer:
Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) is a gentle therapy that addresses musculoskeletal problems by focusing on a largely overlooked apparatus of the human body: the mechanoreceptor system. Think of the receptor system as “software” and bone, muscle, ligaments, and tendons as “hardware," in a computer analogy. If a problem is one of computer software, no amount of work on the hardware can fix the problem. In the human body, muscles move the body and the brain moves the muscles, yet it is the mechanoreceptor system (i.e., software) that provides the brain with the information it needs to tense and release muscles as needed for good functioning and pain-free living. Without accurate, “uncorrupted” information from the mechanoreceptor system, the brain/muscle connection cannot function optimally. Breakdowns in this communication can result in chronically weak or tensed muscles showing up as pain and/or difficulty with movement. Michele uses P-DTR therapy with every patient.
Here is a little more details if your the geeky type and need more info:
P-DTR® recognizes that proprioception (sensation of touch, pressure, hot, cold, pain, etc.), and the way the body processes the information from these receptors, is paramount in determining neuromuscular responses throughout the entire body. Motor function is not just determined by the motor system, but rather is modified by the inputs of these receptors.
Using a comprehensive system of muscle testing and neural challenges, involved receptors can be located and normal function can be quickly restored. Most physical therapy and other therapeutic modalities deal with the “hardware” of the body, neglecting the fact that much of the pain and dysfunction we experience is often actually a problem with our “software”.
P-DTR® deals with the various sensory receptors (proprioceptors) of the body and the way they affect and modify our movement patterns. These receptors (those for pain, stretch, pressure, hot, cold, vibration, etc.) all send information to the brain for processing and the brain takes this feedback into account when making decisions regarding our movement.
If this information is incorrect, as is often the case, the brain is making its decisions based on bad information. Pain and dysfunction frequently result. P-DTR® uses neural challenges specific to the involved receptors and muscle tests combined with proper stimulation of the deep tendon reflex to make immediate and lasting advances toward restored function.
P-DTR is the most comprehensive and effective technique I’ve come across in my career for dealing with these “software” issues. The work is rapid, tremendously effective and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
Some of the benefits of P-DTR include:
Treats the problem, not the symptoms
Accelerates recovery from acute injuries
Eliminates lingering dysfunction and pain from chronic injuries
Eliminates the debilitating effects of repetitive stress
Optimizes athletic performance
Restores muscle function and coordination quickly
Increases range of motion, strength and stamina
Achieves quick, long-lasting results
Maximizes stability and balance throughout the entire body
Resolves problems you thought you’d “just have to live with”